Migrate Your CMS from Ektron to WordPress for Cost Savings, Control, and Ease of Maintenance

Quick Summary: Explore the advantages of migrating from the proprietary Ektron platform to open-source WordPress, including cost savings, increased control, ease of maintenance, and an intuitive visual builder for easy page layouts. Upgrade your website and online presence today.

Migrating from Ektron to WordPress can offer numerous benefits to organizations and businesses, including cost savings, increased control through open-source technology, and ease of maintenance. Additionally, integrating a visual builder for easy page layouts provides a more intuitive and user-friendly content editing experience.

Cost Savings

One of the biggest benefits of migrating from Ektron to WordPress is cost savings. As an open-source platform, WordPress is completely free to download and use. The only costs associated with using WordPress come from hosting, a domain name, and any premium themes or plugins a user may purchase. This is in stark contrast to Ektron, which requires a licensing fee ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 per year, in addition to hosting, domain name, and additional features or integrations.

Gaining Control with Open Source

As an open-source platform, WordPress provides users with complete control over their website and its functionality. This allows users to customize their site to meet their specific needs and make changes as needed without being tied to a proprietary platform. Ektron, on the other hand, is a proprietary platform and may limit users’ ability to make changes to the platform without the assistance of a developer.

Ease of Maintenance

WordPress is widely recognized as a user-friendly and intuitive platform, making it easier for organizations to maintain their website and make changes as needed. This is in contrast to Ektron, which can be more complex and difficult to maintain without the help of a developer.

Visual Builder Integration

WordPress’s Gutenberg block editor provides a visual builder for easy page layouts, making it easier for users to create and edit content. The block editor allows users to drag and drop content blocks, such as text, images, and videos, into their desired location on the page, resulting in a more visually appealing and professional website. Ektron’s content editor, on the other hand, is more traditional and can be less user-friendly for those unfamiliar with WYSIWYG editors.

Update Your CMS to Upgrade Your Business

Migrating from Ektron to WordPress can provide numerous benefits, including cost savings, increased control through open-source technology, ease of maintenance, and a more intuitive and user-friendly content editing experience. These benefits make WordPress a compelling choice for organizations and businesses looking to improve their website and increase their online presence.

WordHerd specializes in website development, design, and migration to Wordpress. They can help pull together your content, assets, and forms into a new CMS that works better for your business. Are you looking for an agency partner to help with your next migration project? Reach out to WordHerd or our team to start your migration project. 

Looking to migrate your website from Ektron to WordPress? We’re partnering with WordHerd to help you update your CMS. Reach out to our team to get started.

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