Google’s March 2024 Core Update Explained

Google’s March 2024 core update is a significant algorithm change impacting website rankings and prioritizing user experience.

How is this update different from Google’s prior Core algorithm updates?

Core Algorithm Similarities Compared to Panda & Penguin

The March 2024 Core Update shares similarities with Panda and Penguin, Google’s past game-changing updates, but also has some key distinctions:


Focus on User Experience: All three updates aimed to improve user experience by rewarding websites that provide genuine value to searchers.

Impact on Rankings: Like Panda and Penguin, the March 2024 update caused significant fluctuations in website rankings, with low-quality sites dropping and high-quality sites rising.

Shift in SEO Landscape: Each update significantly impacted SEO best practices. Panda and Penguin forced SEOs to move away from keyword stuffing and link manipulation, while the March 2024 update emphasizes a broader user-centric approach.

Core Algorithm Differences Compared to Panda & Penguin


The March 2024 update seems to be more comprehensive than Panda and Penguin. While Panda targeted thin content farms and Penguin focused on manipulative link building, the March 2024 update appears to consider a wider range of factors related to user experience and content quality.

Algorithm Complexity: Google’s algorithms are constantly evolving, and the March 2024 update likely utilizes more sophisticated methods to identify high-quality content and user-friendly websites compared to Panda and Penguin.

Evolving Spam Tactics:

The March 2024 update likely addresses new and evolving spam tactics that weren’t prevalent during the times of Panda and Penguin.

A Seismic Shift: Understanding the Update’s Impact

The March 2024 update has caused significant fluctuations in website rankings, with some sites even being de-indexed.

  • Major update affecting website rankings across the web
  • De-indexing of websites not meeting Google’s new standards
  • SEO experts consider it a turning point in search algorithms

There is a widespread impact on website rankings across various industries.

Google has de-indexed multiple websites not meeting Google’s new standards (low-quality content, spammy tactics).

This means websites that once ranked high, with spammy content are now being completely removed from search results.

Websites Being De-Indexed

This update isn’t just a minor tweak. It’s a major overhaul, and many websites have seen significant changes in their rankings. Some websites have even been completely de-indexed, meaning they no longer appear in search results at all.

This highlights the seriousness of Google’s commitment to prioritizing high-quality content and user experience. SEO experts are calling this a landmark event, comparable to past major updates like Panda and Penguin.

How to Survive in Search Results

User experience and high-quality, informative content that is written for humans are the primary ranking factors for Google.

  • Focus on UX and website functionality. Google prioritizes websites offering a positive user experience:
  • Easy navigation
  • Fast loading times
  • Mobile-friendliness

Rewarding high-quality, informative, and trustworthy content. High-quality content that follows E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.)

  • Informative
  • Well-written
  • Addresses user needs
  • Provides value

Where Do We Go From Here?

By focusing on user-focused SEO and adapting to Google’s guidelines, we can ensure our client’s website remain visible in search results.

What can and what are we doing?

  • Monitor website and Google Search Console performance
  • Focus on creating high-quality, informative content
  • Use AI as a guide, NOT a content creator
  • Prioritize user experience and website functionality
  • Stay updated on Google’s ever-evolving SEO guidelines

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