How to Turn Your Online Marketing Campaign Into a Lead-Generating Monster

Online marketing campaigns are big business. Those campaigns that produce lead generation actualize the sales of products and services. Such big business is the development of marketing campaigns that there are theories and methodologies for doing so.

The industry standard for developing marketing campaigns is AIDA, an acronym for awareness, interest, desire and action. A marketing campaign must create public awareness of a product or service, generate public interest, and convert interest to desire, a level of desire that leads to action.

Every company that wants to make its online marketing campaign rock must become extremely familiar with social media. A productive social media campaign requires three features: advocacy and site reviews, client-driven content, and iOS and Android apps.

Social Media Campaigns

A social media campaign is the foundation of the three other essential features of a marketing campaign. While a website is the virtual home of a business, social media is the vehicle that drives traffic to the website. While SEO and search engine ranking are the foundation of a business website, social media campaigns do as much — or more — for ranking and SEO as call-up and location extensions, schema markup and keyword density.

The “big five” social media platforms — YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest — all provide the tools required for social outreach. The greater use an online marketing campaign development team makes of the big five, the greater the odds of creating awareness, interest, desire and action (AIDA).

Client-driven Content

Once a company has developed a social media foundation, it must begin producing content, but content is an extraordinarily difficult tool to use correctly. While there are debates about the importance of keyword search phrases, keyword density, organic content versus refurbished content, whether black hat tricks like keyword stuffing still produce higher rankings than original content, one thing has become clear: client-driven content is far more powerful than any other kind.

Trending across all industries, customer-driven content is developed using predictive analytics. Google Zeitgeist, Google Trends, Google Insights and latent semantic indexing are used to develop predictive analytics campaigns.

Client-driven content has two advantages that make it invaluable: efficiency and customer satisfaction. By providing customers and potential customers the content they desire, companies do not waste time developing content that will not drive traffic to the business. And client-driven content develops interest, which can lead to desire, which can lead to action.

Advocacy and Site Reviews

According to Nielsen, 84 percent of the consumers surveyed reported they always or sometimes take action based on recommendations from friends and family, and 70 percent said they did the same based on online reviews. As word-of-mouth marketing is more effective than traditional marketing, companies should encourage client referrals and reviews.

Create IOS and Android Apps and Brand Your Business for Free

A majority of the people accessing the Internet do so using a mobile device. Mobile-only Internet users constitute a larger portion of potential clients than any other group. This is why a company should make building an iOS or an Android app a top priority.

Use Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is necessary, as it can fill in the gaps where website SEO falls short. Paid advertising, such as Google AdWords, is relatively inexpensive, allows businesses to target people searching for specific keywords, and can help move a website to the top of the search engine results.

The secret to digital marketing is remembering that advertising is as much about the customer as it is about the product. Before you can sell a product or service to today’s consumer, you must prove you know who they are, what they like and want, and what your product does to further who they are.

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