New Responsible Sourcing Tool Site Amplifies Message and Streamlines Use

The Client: Vérité for Responsible Sourcing Tool

Verité is an independent, non-profit civil society organization (CSO) that provides the knowledge and tools to eliminate the most serious labor and human rights abuses in global supply chains. Since 1995, the organization has partnered with hundreds of corporations, governments, and CSOs to illuminate labor rights violations and remedy them to benefit workers and companies alike.

Challenge: Previous Website Wasn’t Easy to Navigate and Maintain

Verité, in partnership with the U.S. Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, needed an updated digital presence for the Responsible Sourcing Tool. The existing site didn’t offer an intuitive user experience and was difficult to update with necessary content in the backend.

Solution: Engage Visitors with Intuitive Design

We got to work building a new site where users could easily find important supply chain information, identify the potential of forced labor, and prevent those issues by establishing policies/standards.

We started by building wireframes for key pages that outlined critical on-page content. This ensured that site visitors worldwide would have clear user journeys, allowing them to access the information they need as quickly as possible. We then crafted and implemented design templates, including uploading site content. One key component was integrating the new site with HighCharts to display an effective and resourceful interactive map. The map informs and provides critical resources to users (companies) on the relevant risks associated with global supply chains.

Throughout the Responsible Sourcing Tool project, we ensured that the client understood the process and our recommendations and that our solutions aligned with their objectives. Open communication and collaboration helped us achieve a product that fully met expectations.

The Results

The new site delivers speed improvements and enhanced user experience by providing content and information with fewer clicks. It also effectively positions the tool as a reliable resource with updated content for global companies and individuals looking for information on human trafficking and helps build a reputation as a resource for others to link to and reference. See the new and improved site here.

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