After 20 years of growing businesses on the internet, the team at 3 Media Web is trading in computers for cactus seeds and sturdy trowels.
That’s right. The internet has run its course, and the desert is calling.
Living beside our cactus plants is a tough life, but someone has to do it.
Chasing that Cactus Fame & Fortune
Everyone knows that if you want to make it in this world, you have to grow cactus. Obvious, right?
Throughout the desert, bugs, and animals alike are on a constant search for water. Cactus? They store their own. The stem of a cactus can hold gallons and gallons of water for decades or more and calmly ride out any drought.
Talk about a sustainable and robust business plan!
Succulents On Succulents On Succulents On Succulents
Are you familiar with the process of propagation? If you take a succulent leaf and plant it with just a splash of water, you’ll soon see the sprouts of a new succulent plant growing. It’s like magic––or cloning.
Just think of how many succulents we can share with the world! Much faster than developing websites or creating a content marketing strategy. Plus, succulents make great desk plants.

We’ve Been Training for This Moment
Speaking of desk cactus, we didn’t realize it until now, but we’ve been training ourselves to handle cactus for years. Have you ever walked by a cactus and touched the spines? Better yet, have you ever not touched the spines?
You never know if the cactus in front of you is a sharp cactus––one that is telling you to get away––or a soft and fuzzy cactus; they just want to cuddle!
Would you really deny a cactus a cuddle?
Help Us Reach Our Desert Dreams
Our computers have been recycled as flower bed supports and emergency shovels (it works better than you’d think). We’re not worried about finding water out here in the sun; however, there’s plenty of cactus around to keep us happy.
If you need us, please send up a smoke signal. We’re happy to share all of our secrets about the Internet, digital marketing and web design. We don’t need them anymore.
Happy April Fools’ Day, from 3 Media Web! Start your next project with us today (even if you’re not into cactus like the rest of us).