What Role Can Your Website Play in Supporting Overall Business Goals?

At 3 Media Web, we believe every website should fulfill its potential to propel the business forward. It should help create a competitive advantage, it should help drive revenue and profits, efficiently cater to existing customer needs, and be cost-effective to support and maintain.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting a great-looking website only to have it viewed as an expense instead of the business asset it can be.

Instead, your website should serve both masters: marketing vision and business strategy.

The Role Websites (Should) Play in Achieving Business Goals

Great-looking websites that fail to support the business because of weak website strategies make me sad.

Here’s how your website could support your business:

A Memorable Brand Identity Starts Where?

The first impression of your company is frequently formed in the search results pages for terms that matter most to the business. Are you there? This is where brand storytelling often starts. Wherever or however they land on your site, they should draw the intended conclusion about brand identity, ethos, and values. Every page. Woven throughout.

Storytelling Should Also Persuade

Look at any page on any website. You have 3 seconds to answer this simple question: what is the ONE thing you should do on that page? Not the 19 options of cute navigation and flashy buttons. What’s the ONE THING that you should do on that page? If it’s not completely obvious within 3 seconds, then that page is hurting the story and that website’s capability to persuade (i.e. convince visitors of your positioning and value proposition, as well as generate shares, opt-ins, lead form submissions, purchases, revenue, and repeat business)

The Existing Customer Experience Should Serve Customer Acquisition

A website can be a hub for customer engagement. Features like AI-enabled chat support, FAQ-formatted content, offerings information, and instructional videos provide valuable support and information to your customers. More than just a website feature, your site experience serving existing customers is proof of your brand story and therefore a business asset that can be leveraged in many ways.

Analytics should inform more than just website optimization

Your website is a goldmine of data. You can gain insights into customer preferences, buying behavior, and market trends by tracking user behavior, engagement metrics, and interactions. This data is pivotal in making informed business decisions.

Updating, testing, and tweaking your website should be fun

An efficient and well-organized WordPress CMS especially for sales events and customer service support is critical. The time it takes to make tweaks and adjustments should feel instantaneous.

Chart Your Course: Blend Marketing Savvy with Business Acumen

Ready to embark on a website journey that aligns with your marketing and business objectives? Let’s get started! Schedule a meeting with us. We’ll describe the path to helping your site serve both masters and make you look great.

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