Why Dynamic Landing Pages for PPC are The Key to Success

Are you personalizing your messaging for different types of website visitors? If not, it might be time to try dynamic landing pages for your pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns.

What is a dynamic landing page? Simply put, a dynamic landing page shows a different message to different people. This could be a different greeting or headline, completely different text, or even different CTAs. This difference in messaging is usually personalized based on a website visitor’s location or the search terms they used to find your website. This could be further personalized based on which stage of your sales funnel they’re in––that could really get their attention!

Dynamic pages impact PPC in several ways, most notably by increasing conversions, reducing bounce rates, and generating more leads.

Let’s explore the need for dynamic pages for PPC campaigns, some best practices for using dynamic landing pages, and the results they can drive.

The Need for Dynamic PPC Landing Pages

With a dynamic landing page, you’re going one step further in helping your visitors solve their problems with your business. With a PPC campaign, you drive traffic to a landing page and design it to help them complete a specific action, such as signing up for a free demo, buying a product, or even just joining your newsletter. Combining that with dynamic elements that are personalized to them, then your website becomes more relevant, and it becomes easier for that site visitor to connect with your content and convert.

Additionally, dynamic, personalized elements will reduce your bounce rate significantly. When people land on a dynamic landing page that’s tailored to them, they are more likely to engage with it. They might not decide to buy or convert at that moment, but you’re more likely to catch their attention and make an impact which could lead to a conversion later down the road.

How do you build a dynamic landing page?

Do effective dynamic landing pages require excessive time, money, or resources to build? Thankfully, the answer is no!

Depending on the CMS you use, building a dynamic landing page takes just as little time as building any other website page. For example, if you use WordPress, all you need to do is install a plugin like If/So, which helps to change content on your site based on a wide range of settings at your disposal, including visitor location, search term, and more. You could even add dynamic, personalization elements to your current landing page without starting from scratch.

PPC Dynamic Landing Pages Best Practices

When a potential customer/user clicks on a PPC ad, they hope to get an instant relevant result. For example, if your ad says, ‘buy custom t-shirts,’ the following landing page should let them start customizing a t-shirt of their own. To make the page even more relevant, you could include location-based dynamic content that adds local shipping costs to inform their buying decision.

With PPC campaigns, you want to be as direct and action-oriented as possible. You don’t want to confuse the visitor with generic or irrelevant content.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when building a PPC dynamic landing page:

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

It might seem like a good idea to fill your PPC landing page with every search-based keyword, but the idea is to stay as direct and relevant as possible in your landing page content where they fit in naturally.

A/B Test

A/B testing is a strategy that allows you to create two versions of design, text, copy, etc., to test which works better with your audience. With your PPC dynamic landing page, you can create two versions with two different query-based dynamic content or two different calls to action to test which one has a greater impact.

Design-First Approach

Sometimes with a landing page, people tend to stuff in too much information, thus compromising on the design, layout, and overall impact. Keep design elements to a minimum, focusing only on what’s really important. For a PPC dynamic landing page, keep visitor effort minimal by instantly displaying the most relevant action you want them to take, an easy lead form, and elements that build trust, like testimonials or social proof.

Pro Tip: Create dynamic CTA buttons for your PPC dynamic landing pages based on your visitors’ sales funnel stage. For example, for a first time visitor ‘Customize your T-Shirt––Get Started’ CTA might work, but use for a repeating visitor ‘Need help With Customization? Get in Touch’ to match their needs.

Experiment with Dynamic PPC Landings Pages

Customers are spoilt for choice, and it takes just a few seconds for them to make decisions––all you have is a few seconds to grab their attention and get their business.

Dynamic landing pages are far more relevant, catchy, and attention-grabbing than generic website pages. They are tailor-made for your PPC campaigns, your audience, and the action you want your potential website visitors to take.

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