Does Social Media Have an Impact on your SEO?

Quick Summary: Social media channels can be the megaphone that you use to find the right audience and establish a relationship with them.

In the past, a single search engine optimization strategy could boost website traffic tenfold, back when the Google search algorithm was still in its early stages of development. It takes a long list of smaller details to influence organic search traffic. Even social media can impact SEO, at least indirectly.

The audience for your business is mostly the same people, regardless of the platform where you interact with them. Your messaging is what changes, not your audience. Social media can help you build brand loyalty and trust with the same target audience you want to interact with on your website.

Think of your social media channels as an extension of your business’ website and follow these steps to boost your brand presence online.

Find the Right Audience for Your Business

Your website may be the main attraction, but unless potential clients and customers know it’s there, it will do little to impact your business’s bottom line. Social media channels can be the megaphone that you use to find the right audience and establish a relationship with them.

On Facebook and Instagram, review your audience insights and experiment with different interests or demographic targeting on your ads. If one interest resonates with your customers, try creating content on your website that includes that interest and market it back to the audience on Facebook. On LinkedIn, share your company values through organic and paid content. Your audience is more likely to agree and stand by your values. Working with you then becomes an easier sell.

Pay Attention to Your Messaging and Content Engagement

Social media channels require a constant stream of high-quality content. Your audiences need to interact with something. Once they start interacting, sharing your content, or simply liking or commenting on your posts, pay attention to the content that drives the most engagement. You can test that messaging that worked in organic posts within your ad campaigns, both on the social platforms and elsewhere, like PPC campaigns on Google Ads.

This article was originally published on the website of one of our partners, Marr Media Group. Head over to their site to finish reading this article. 

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