Sometimes things that happen automatically are super helpful: automatic doors, lights that turn on outside your door when you get home at night, or the time on my smartphone auto-updating after Daylight Savings (I’d never know the right time without it). Sometimes though, it can cause more confusion than anything else, much like the latest update from Google about automatically creating Google Analytics 4 properties for many users.
In the next few weeks or months, Google hasn’t explicitly stated when this update will occur, but many users will see a new Google Analytics 4 (GA4) property created for them unless they opt-out.
You might decide to let Google create this new property for you. Still, many marketers, including the experts at 3 Media Web, are advising you to create a GA4 property yourself separately from Universal Analytics and opt out of the auto-setup by Google. Why? Let’s find out.
How to Opt-Out of GA4 Property Auto-Creation
If you already have a GA4 property created for your business website, why have Google create another one that could confuse you or your team further down the road? We’ve already opted out of this auto-creation update from Google for our website and many clients.
Here’s how to opt out of GA4 auto-creation:
- Head to the admin dashboard of your Universal Analytics account.
- Head to the property settings and click on GA4 Setup Assistant.
- Scroll down to the section about automatically setting up a basic Google Analytics 4 property.
- Switch that blue toggle to off.
- That’s it!

Learn why Google automatically creating a GA4 property might not be a good thing.
Setup a GA4 Property Now, If You Haven’t Already
Why use Google Analytics 4 at all? In case you haven’t heard, Universal Analytics, the tool you’ve used and likely have been using for years, will stop collecting data soon. Google has officially announced that Universal Analytics will stop processing new hits on July 1, 2023. FYI, the last day to switch from Universal Analytics 360 to GA4 is changing from October 1, 2023, to July 1, 2024, per Google’s latest announcement.
It’s time to set up GA4. Here’s how.
GA4 is built on a different dataset than UA, meaning your data won’t carry over or match all too well. That’s one of the main reasons for disabling the auto-creation of another GA4 property. When the new GA4 property attempts to rebuild old UA events or conversion tracking, it’s likely to cause issues or create inaccurate data. It’s better to create a new GA4 property and separate the two tools. Think of GA4 as a place to start fresh.
Find a Digital Marketing Partner to Help You Get Started
Of course, you don’t have to do it all yourself. Many marketing agencies can help you create a new Google Analytics 4 property and connect it to your website. Some can even help you track more advanced conversion tracking, such as ecommerce, to understand better how your audience uses your website. This allows your marketing teams to make better decisions based on data and squeeze higher returns from your budget.
Need a digital marketing partner? Reach out to the award-winning team at 3 Media Web today.
Start Using Google Analytics 4 Today to Avoid Confusing Data
A lot of advances in technology have built-in automation, and that’s oftentimes super helpful. When your computer auto-updates as you sleep, that’s often helpful. When Google creates a new Analytics property for your business website and attempts to transfer over old tracking implementations built on a completely different data set, that’s less helpful.
Before Google creates a new Google Analytics 4 property for your business website, create your own and opt out of the auto-creation queue. Many marketers choose to control their tracking tools in-house rather than let Google’s AI update anything for them. Personal control in the hands of your team is often for the best, especially regarding your business.